i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

Humpty Dumpty's death

We feel like such bad parents, we have never felt like this before. We feel irresponsible, disrespectul and not good people towards our son, Humpty Dumpty died today, this is like the worst day of our life, we feel like we have lost an angel fallen from the sky, suddenly our days don't feel normal again, we miss our little egg. But we know that he is in a better place right now. Here is the story how little Humpty Dumpty died.
We were driving, we were going home, to go home we have to pass through a highway. In that highway, we saw lots of busses, it was a very rainy day, we could barely see, Humpty Dumpty was without his seat belt then sudenly a drunk driver was passing through us suddenly we just felt the car flying away down a hill . Then we came out of the car and we couldn't find humpty dumpty , we tought he was alive. but he died he is back in the place where he came from , heaven
We were so sad we couldn't believe it , our baby boy was dead. But we know he is in a better place now, he will be happy with all the little baby egg who have died.
At the funeral all his friends and his girldriend Irene were present. All of them were sobbing and crying, especially Irene. Although they know he is with God and all the little eggs who have been broken and had have accidents and have died.
We don't feel normal again, Paola has been crying for days, Marianne too. We never saw this coming, this was the worst day of our lives. We wouldn't like to have another baby, because no one, not even the cutest egg in the world could replace our beautiful baby boy Humpty Dumpty.
Every day feels like hell, our heavenly days are gone, every time we walk through Humpty Dumpty's room we start to sob and cry. We will never forget you Humpty Dumpty, we love you with all our hearts. We pray every day that we want to be with Humpty Dumpty. We hope that sooner or later we could have the moment to see him. We were preparing him to go to college. He was a good baby egg we hope he has a good time in heaven becuase it is a better place than Earth. He will be happy now having fun with all the other eggs.
Note to parents: You never know what is going to happen, be prepared for reality, you can't control the future, only God can control your future. So be prepared. Give thanks to God for the food he gives you and be thankful for what you have.
Thank you, this was our story of the death of our son.

Date of birth: April 7, 2010

Date of death: April 15, 2010.

We love you Humpty Dumpty, you will always be in our hearts!

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

i fed the baby :)

time to feed the baby !


Finally Humpty Dumpty got into military school with Mr. Wingers. He was behaving really really bad! So we had to send him to military school, he will become a good egg and get accepted in a good college/university. Irene and his friends were so sad that he was going, but they now that it is for his own good. We hope Humpty Dumpty understands the reason why we send him.

Humpty will miss us and his friends and girlfriend. We hope he has a good time in military school. He will learn good qualities and manners. He will play soccer really good and swim a lot! We hope he has a good time.

14 years old

14 years old! OMG SO FAST! Irene and Humpty Dumpty have been advancing their relationship. We caught them making out at the living room.
Humpty Dumpty lately has been working out lately and is been such a good swimmer! We think with Paola that he is being a good swimmer to gain popularity, also called, conventional morality.

Humpty Dumpty is making a lot of friends! He is also partying a lot in his friend's houses. We are starting to worry because he is lowering his grades and he is also focusing a lot in Irene and his peers, we dont like that a lot because he has been doing some bad stuff like drinking beer and starting to smoke, we dont want that for our kid because we dont want him to become someone who is a bad person. We also think that he is starting to do some adult stuff with Irene. We dont want him to make a mistake later on!

Starting the teenage life.... 13

If Humpty Dumpty was alive he would be going through puberty, his voice is changing, he is getting facial hair. His voice changes a lot! Poor thing! But it makes me laugh! Humpty Dumpty told us last night that he had his first ejaculation, also called, wet dream. Humpty Dumpty has the ability to reason now, which is called the Cognitive develpment.

The other day Humpty Dumpty grabbed the cookie jar the other day. He was lying to us because we found out that somebody had grabbed it and he was the only one who was at the house at that time! That is called preconventional morality.


Entering the 6th grade! Wow! He is growing very fast! He is almost a teenager! He is in the pre-teen age! He is still with his girlfriend Irene. OMG! They have just have their first pop kiss! So cute, they have been dated like 4 years or more! So cute!

Humpty Dumpty is lowering his grades, Paola and me think that it is because he is dedicating more time to swimming and soccer than school. Also Humpty Dumpty is going out more with his friends and Irene! That is good, but he will just go out 3 times at week and will be home no longer than 7 p.m.

10 + 1 = 11 !

Humpty Dumpty is such a good egg he behaves really good! He gets along with his classmates and plays alot, swims a lot. He loves to play soccer, especially with his classmates!

He is in the 5th grade. His teacher Ms. Wendy loves him! She says he is a good kid and always willing to learn, he is such a good leader! Also he is still with his girlfriend Irene!

We love Irene as a girlfriend for Humpty Dumpty, she teaches him how to be polite and also eat healthy because lately Humpty hasn't been eating really good!

10 yearss olddddd!

Age 10! Wow! Humpty Dumpty is growing up really really fast! We celebrated his 10th birthday with all his friends at home! We bought him a huge cake! And sang Happy Birthday to him. We gave him as a present a laptop, he totally loves it! We also gave him an iPod! The new one that films!

Humpty Dumpty is doing great at school! Humpty Dumpty made a girlfriend, yes, Irene! My friend's daughter! Puppy love!

Age 9

Humpty is now age 9. He is getting a little bit interested in girls because last night he told me he liked a girl named Irene, she is really nice, also, a daughter from a friend of ours! Humpty Dumpty is getting handosomer and cuter every day! He likes to talk with us about his problems, we are responsible moms because we know he needs to learn something new every day! He is still in the swimming team, he just came home from there and he told us he swam 750 meters!

We hope Humpty Dumpty will become a professional when he grows up! Also get into a good school!

8 years old

Humpty Dumpty is now 8 years old! He gets along with his mates at swimming lessons and we want him to be a star just like Michael Phelps! Humpty Dumpty is a straight A student! We love him how he is growing up and being a mature egg. We adore him. The classes that he enjoys the most are Reading and Mathematics. He's got a 98% in Math and 97% in Reading. We tell him that if he continues to be like that, that when he gets to 12th grade he could get a scholarship to a good university.

Humpty Dumpty is growing up so fast! His 9th birthday is coming soon! YAY!

Humpty Dumpty died today, it was tragic, Paola and me were going on our way home, when suddenly a bus driver hits us and our car flew away, we went rolling down the hill. Humpty Dumpty cracked, we were crying a lot. The next day we made him a funeral. We will keep writing our blogs about our egg, like if he was alive :(.

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2. The nursery school teacher called and told you that your little egg is getting into fights with another egg, apparently over their water bottles. This seems like a silly thing to fight about but what do you know from studying child development that might help you to resolve this issue?

we know that he is being egocentric he doesn't want to share he thinks that everything is his and sharing is not on his vocabulary , he thinks that everything is for him everyone is seeing him he is so important for everyone in his little head so all bottle of water are his and no one can take them of him

3. Time for potty training! What is your strategy going to be? Write out your plan and how psychology is going to help.
our strategy is that when he wants to go we will go an sit him in his little toilet and we will give a co him a cookie which he loves and when he doesn't he wont get a cookie we hope that he understands and then because he wants the cookie he will automatically go and then with or without cookie he will go we hope it works

4. Wow, your egg is having a huge tantrum in the airport in front of everyone. What are you going to do? What are you not going to do?
i wont pay attention to him because if i do then he will know that when does that he will get what he wants and we ant to teach that that is not the way to get what he wants we are going to spoil him

5. Oh poor little egg, you lost their favorite teddy bear! Now what?
since he will be sad because he is emotionally attached to his teddy bear we would buy a new on that is similar os he can be happy again.

6. Your egg is now 10 years old. Your family has gone to the beach for vacation. While digging in the sand your egg finds a box with 1million lempira in it. There is also a phone number on a piece of paper inside. What will you do? What will your egg do? Hint: Think about Kholberg.
he would use post-conventional morality he would call the number and tell what he found because he have taught him to always to the right thing so he would turn in the money others would keep and spend in whatever they want but you need to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others.

7. Your teen egg wants to go to a party where you know there will be no adults. What are you going to tell them and why? What kind of parent does this make you?
we would say no because there needs to be someone responsible not only kids that wouldn't know what to do in case on emergency . we would explain him why and tell them that if there someone responsible then we would of said yes this make us authoritative parents because we say yes and no sometimes but we try to make him understand that is for his good.

8. Search for the estimated cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood. Remember to add tuition if they are going to EIS. Please provide the source for your information. Post a list of baby supplies you will need to bring home and the estimated cost each month of having the baby. Don't forget diapers!

The costs of raising a baby costs between $125,000-$250,000 r baby's first year alone,we spend $9,000-$11,000 this means for diapers, baby furniture, clothing, baby gear, toys , food)

diapers = $30
milk = $20
toys = $500

9. What are some of the challenges that a teen parent might have?
school finishing school for the parent would be so hard also maturing taking responsibility not thinking only on themselves also in him. catching up with school lost work most parents require to drop out because it is too much to handle no more going out no more social life now you need to take care of someone else.

4 Years Old

Humpty Dumpty is growing up so quickly. Me and Paola decided to take him on a trip to Disney World! He was very excited when we told him! We are very authoritative parents, because we want Humpty Dumpty to enjoy his life and thank us when he grows up! With nice manners and being respectful to people!

On our way to the airport, Humpty Dumpty had no idea were we where going. He asked like 40 times! When we got there he was very excited! We told him who Mickey Mouse was and he was thrilled.

Once we got there, we went to the hotel and left our stuff there. We arrived there at 10 a.m. so we had time to go to Magic Kingdom and introduce Humpty Dumpty to Mickey Mouse.

At first, Humpty Dumpty was really scared of him, but later Mickey made a funny noise, Humpty Dumpty laughed with enthusiasm and gave him a really big hug!

We spent 10 days at Disney World, Orlando. Humpty Dumpty was very thankful because we took him to the "Happiest Place on Earth". When we got back he went back to Kindergarten.

Age 3!

Me and Paola just enrolled Humpty Dumpty into Kindergarten at E.I.S. He looks very cute dressed in the school's uniform. Humpty Dumpty is a very social egg, he is making lots of friends! He also loves his teachers Ms. Cindy and Mrs. Dorothy. They say Humpty Dumpty is a very respectful egg that gets along with his classmates, he is a very hard working egg and has a very creative mind! Always inventing new stuff every day! They totally love him!

Every day we encourage Humpty Dumpty to make new things, we want him to be a successful egg, just like his moms. We enrolled him into soccer classes! Although he is very young and can barely kick a ball, he is doing great because he runs like Speedy Gonzalez!

Humpty Dumpty is behaving a little bad, he is just saying bad words and we just don't like that, so every time he says a bad word we take Boo, his teddy bear away from him as a punishment until he stops saying bad words. Humpty Dumpty stopped so we returned him his favorite toy.

Humpty Dumpty is a wonderful egg! That's why for his birthday we gave him a toy car so he could drive around the house!

2nd year of life!

Humpty Dumpty is now 2 years old! He is growing up so fast! He is entering the preoperational stage. This means that this stage goes from 2-7 years of age. Also, Humpty Dumpty is suppose to develop the ability to use symbols. Humpty Dumpty is making us a strange symbol, it is very strange because everytime he wants to eat he sticks his tongue out! So funny!

He calls me "Momma" to symbolize me and to symbolize Paola he calls her "Mobi". He is such a cutie when he says that!

He calls my parents(Marianne) "Yaya" to my mom and "Yoyo" to my dad. For Paola's mom and dad he calls my mother-in-law "Goga" and my father-in-law "Guga". Humpty Dumpty is a very intelligent 2 year-old egg, he already knows a lot of things! I hope he continues to be like this!

1 year old !

1 year old! Yay! We threw Humpty Dumpty a nice little birthday party with all of his little baby egg friends! We bought him a Barney piñata! He totally loved it!

He is also crawling! He is such a fast baby egg! We love feeding him mashed potatoes, which is his favorite food! He also loves touching and feeling everything! He grabs and pulls Paola's hair like if it were a toy! He is so cute!

Humpty Dumpty also watches a lot of TV, we bought some DVD's about Baby Einstein, which is an educational serie for babies, he loves hearing the sounds of animals and listening to the classical music that it is in the video, this means Humpty Dumpty is in the sensorimotor stage. I (Marianne) love to spoil Humpty Dumpty. I buy every baby toy I see, that's because I like seeing Humpty Dumpty smash things around like if it was some kind of cloth!

Paola bought him a Fisher Price teddy bear named Boo, he loves it! He bangs him around and smashes him through the wall! It's hilarious! What Humpty Dumpty is doing is also part of the sensorimotor stage.

Ohhhh my Gooooooood! We can't believe it! Humpty Dumpty just stand on two feet! Without any help! He is walking just like a professional egg! It's amazing, Humpty Dumpty is very intelligent! He is also saying words like "Mama" "Go" "Bobble" (bottle). He is incredibly cute!!!

We are now waiting for his 2nd Birthday!

7 years old !

Humpty Dumpty is 7 know and weights 75 pounds , we are authoritative parents we are demanding and responsive we don't give him permission to do everything and if we don't let him do something we explain why he gets mad but then he understand that we only car for what is best for him of course he cries and makes a big show but then he calms down. he also has developed fear of the dark he with his teddy bear and his lamp on. we have a bedtime routine he showers then i put his pajamas he likes the ones of transformers because they glow in the dark.


he has improved so much since last year he understands so much he has started written mostly they are hieroglyphics maybe next year he gets better at it h can write his name but sometimes he forgets some letters. he can know add and subtract small numbers he is going to swimming classes because he loves water when he takes a shower


he never wants to get out he is a very like grown up kid he understand a lot of things that normal kids that is because he spends a lot of time with grown ups that take care of him and he only has old cousins he is really healthy we went the doctor he says everything id perfect thank God we expect to see more changes next year we are so happy to have him in our family

6 years old !

Guess what know he is 6 i feel like it was yesterday when he was born . He is know in first grade

he likes to read a lot since he was a baby we always read to him and now he tries reading to us he is gorgeous he has trouble with some words till but he is getting there. He always says the animals are thinking and felling and that they can hear what we say maybe marianne can say to a dog to leave or something and he whispers "mommy don't do that you may hurt he's feelings " we both laugh we know he will understand . we are thinking that when he grows up he will be a huge dancer he cant listen t o a song because he is shaking everything and dancing like crazy he has favorite songs and likes to mumble songs he is favorite is wavin flag he is always singing it :)
he likes to play football but still has some trouble he is not like messi yet but he really enjoys it he has gain a lit of wight he know wights 52 pounds , we love him so much he is so creative and fun to look at he tries to say jokes they are not so funny but he tries and that makes it funny for us .



5 years old !



Humpty dumpty is 5 year old know I cant believe how fast he is growing he has had a lot of changes in this year he is really enthusiastic and energetic he always wants to be playing or doing something some days he gets all energy out of me. He is really close with other little kids he spends talking of the things they do together all day. He is so cute because if I am playing with another baby and he sees me he gets jealous and mad with me! He is so cute I love him!


When he plays with other kids he always wants to be the boss and tell them what to do he often throws hi toys all around the house and then goes collecting them and gets mad if you help him he likes to do thing on his own we are enjoying him the most we can every day he learns something new and we don’t want miss anything he does we are so lucky we have him in our life’s.


1. Write about how you designed the baby nursery. What developmental issues did you
consider when you went shopping? Post photos of your nursery or the items you purchased ?
when we knew that we were having a baby we where so excited to do the nursery but we didn't know if it was going to be a boy or a girl so we painted it yellow because it is a neutral color. we went to toy r' us to buy some baby toys like the ones you hang on top of the crib we also bought a pretty white crib it was gorgeous for a boy or girl. since we knew that baby would be rolling over and over the floor we but a big rug that had the numbers and the abc it covered almost all the room. we bought a stroller so we could use it when we go out also a chair were he can it in his room we got a pretty mobile that had animals in it and trees and flowers. we bought tons and tons of clothes yellow white colors that were neutral also gloves so he wouldn't scratch himself like babies do we got a pretty good nursery we are so happy so our baby to be born !

Our Baby Egg!

This is the story about our baby egg!

Name: Humpty Dumpty

Date of birth: April 7, 2010

Height: 50 centimeters

Weight: 7 pounds and 4 ounces.

Parents: Marianne Olyslager and Paola Leiva

Status: Healthy


We are a happy good couple, we were so excited after the doctor told us we were having a baby egg! We thought going to the sperm bank wouldn't work. But it did! And now we are going to have a wonderful baby egg after getting a pregnancy test from the doctor. I (Marianne) was hugging my lovely wife Paola's belly (she was the one pregnant) after the doctor told us the great news. We had a feeling Paola was pregnant because two weeks after getting the sperm into her uterus she had morning sicknesses and she was way passed through her period.
Six weeks after conception Paola started feeling our baby egg's heart beat. We were so HAPPY!
We started to decide what will the name of our baby would be, we decided it would be Humpty Dumpty if it was a boy, but if it was a girl it would be Magenta.
When Paola was 3 to 4 months pregnant, our doctor told us it was going to be a baby egg boy! we were very excited because we wanted to name him Humpty Dumpty!
Paola was 6 months pregnant we started noticing Paola was feeling Humpty Dumpty was kicking. We even took a picture! It was amazing!
Also, the doctor told us Humpty Dumpty could hear us, so we started singing baby lullabys so when he grows up he would be a sweet boy, especially with the ladies!
Pregnancy last up to 40 weeks.
We got to the 9th month, baby Humpty Dumpty was born very healthy and beautiful with 7 pounds and 4 ounces, 50 centimeters long! We were so proud of having our new baby egg and start to take care of him. Paola and I were so happy for having a healthy baby egg!