
2. The nursery school teacher called and told you that your little egg is getting into fights with another egg, apparently over their water bottles. This seems like a silly thing to fight about but what do you know from studying child development that might help you to resolve this issue?

we know that he is being egocentric he doesn't want to share he thinks that everything is his and sharing is not on his vocabulary , he thinks that everything is for him everyone is seeing him he is so important for everyone in his little head so all bottle of water are his and no one can take them of him

3. Time for potty training! What is your strategy going to be? Write out your plan and how psychology is going to help.
our strategy is that when he wants to go we will go an sit him in his little toilet and we will give a co him a cookie which he loves and when he doesn't he wont get a cookie we hope that he understands and then because he wants the cookie he will automatically go and then with or without cookie he will go we hope it works

4. Wow, your egg is having a huge tantrum in the airport in front of everyone. What are you going to do? What are you not going to do?
i wont pay attention to him because if i do then he will know that when does that he will get what he wants and we ant to teach that that is not the way to get what he wants we are going to spoil him

5. Oh poor little egg, you lost their favorite teddy bear! Now what?
since he will be sad because he is emotionally attached to his teddy bear we would buy a new on that is similar os he can be happy again.

6. Your egg is now 10 years old. Your family has gone to the beach for vacation. While digging in the sand your egg finds a box with 1million lempira in it. There is also a phone number on a piece of paper inside. What will you do? What will your egg do? Hint: Think about Kholberg.
he would use post-conventional morality he would call the number and tell what he found because he have taught him to always to the right thing so he would turn in the money others would keep and spend in whatever they want but you need to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others.

7. Your teen egg wants to go to a party where you know there will be no adults. What are you going to tell them and why? What kind of parent does this make you?
we would say no because there needs to be someone responsible not only kids that wouldn't know what to do in case on emergency . we would explain him why and tell them that if there someone responsible then we would of said yes this make us authoritative parents because we say yes and no sometimes but we try to make him understand that is for his good.

8. Search for the estimated cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood. Remember to add tuition if they are going to EIS. Please provide the source for your information. Post a list of baby supplies you will need to bring home and the estimated cost each month of having the baby. Don't forget diapers!

The costs of raising a baby costs between $125,000-$250,000 r baby's first year alone,we spend $9,000-$11,000 this means for diapers, baby furniture, clothing, baby gear, toys , food)

diapers = $30
milk = $20
toys = $500

9. What are some of the challenges that a teen parent might have?
school finishing school for the parent would be so hard also maturing taking responsibility not thinking only on themselves also in him. catching up with school lost work most parents require to drop out because it is too much to handle no more going out no more social life now you need to take care of someone else.

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