7 years old !

Humpty Dumpty is 7 know and weights 75 pounds , we are authoritative parents we are demanding and responsive we don't give him permission to do everything and if we don't let him do something we explain why he gets mad but then he understand that we only car for what is best for him of course he cries and makes a big show but then he calms down. he also has developed fear of the dark he with his teddy bear and his lamp on. we have a bedtime routine he showers then i put his pajamas he likes the ones of transformers because they glow in the dark.


he has improved so much since last year he understands so much he has started written mostly they are hieroglyphics maybe next year he gets better at it h can write his name but sometimes he forgets some letters. he can know add and subtract small numbers he is going to swimming classes because he loves water when he takes a shower


he never wants to get out he is a very like grown up kid he understand a lot of things that normal kids that is because he spends a lot of time with grown ups that take care of him and he only has old cousins he is really healthy we went the doctor he says everything id perfect thank God we expect to see more changes next year we are so happy to have him in our family

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