4 Years Old

Humpty Dumpty is growing up so quickly. Me and Paola decided to take him on a trip to Disney World! He was very excited when we told him! We are very authoritative parents, because we want Humpty Dumpty to enjoy his life and thank us when he grows up! With nice manners and being respectful to people!

On our way to the airport, Humpty Dumpty had no idea were we where going. He asked like 40 times! When we got there he was very excited! We told him who Mickey Mouse was and he was thrilled.

Once we got there, we went to the hotel and left our stuff there. We arrived there at 10 a.m. so we had time to go to Magic Kingdom and introduce Humpty Dumpty to Mickey Mouse.

At first, Humpty Dumpty was really scared of him, but later Mickey made a funny noise, Humpty Dumpty laughed with enthusiasm and gave him a really big hug!

We spent 10 days at Disney World, Orlando. Humpty Dumpty was very thankful because we took him to the "Happiest Place on Earth". When we got back he went back to Kindergarten.

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