1 year old !

1 year old! Yay! We threw Humpty Dumpty a nice little birthday party with all of his little baby egg friends! We bought him a Barney piñata! He totally loved it!

He is also crawling! He is such a fast baby egg! We love feeding him mashed potatoes, which is his favorite food! He also loves touching and feeling everything! He grabs and pulls Paola's hair like if it were a toy! He is so cute!

Humpty Dumpty also watches a lot of TV, we bought some DVD's about Baby Einstein, which is an educational serie for babies, he loves hearing the sounds of animals and listening to the classical music that it is in the video, this means Humpty Dumpty is in the sensorimotor stage. I (Marianne) love to spoil Humpty Dumpty. I buy every baby toy I see, that's because I like seeing Humpty Dumpty smash things around like if it was some kind of cloth!

Paola bought him a Fisher Price teddy bear named Boo, he loves it! He bangs him around and smashes him through the wall! It's hilarious! What Humpty Dumpty is doing is also part of the sensorimotor stage.

Ohhhh my Gooooooood! We can't believe it! Humpty Dumpty just stand on two feet! Without any help! He is walking just like a professional egg! It's amazing, Humpty Dumpty is very intelligent! He is also saying words like "Mama" "Go" "Bobble" (bottle). He is incredibly cute!!!

We are now waiting for his 2nd Birthday!

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