Age 3!

Me and Paola just enrolled Humpty Dumpty into Kindergarten at E.I.S. He looks very cute dressed in the school's uniform. Humpty Dumpty is a very social egg, he is making lots of friends! He also loves his teachers Ms. Cindy and Mrs. Dorothy. They say Humpty Dumpty is a very respectful egg that gets along with his classmates, he is a very hard working egg and has a very creative mind! Always inventing new stuff every day! They totally love him!

Every day we encourage Humpty Dumpty to make new things, we want him to be a successful egg, just like his moms. We enrolled him into soccer classes! Although he is very young and can barely kick a ball, he is doing great because he runs like Speedy Gonzalez!

Humpty Dumpty is behaving a little bad, he is just saying bad words and we just don't like that, so every time he says a bad word we take Boo, his teddy bear away from him as a punishment until he stops saying bad words. Humpty Dumpty stopped so we returned him his favorite toy.

Humpty Dumpty is a wonderful egg! That's why for his birthday we gave him a toy car so he could drive around the house!

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